Meng, Fankun*, Yan, Haijun, He, Dongbo, et al. Production behavior evaluation on inclined well in commingled carbonate gas reservoir with multiple heterogeneous layers without crossflow[J]
- 发表刊物:
- Journal of Energy Resources Technology-Transactions of the ASME
- 备注:
- 2022, 144(12):123004
- 上一条: Meng, Fankun*, Su, Yulaing, Wang, Wendong, et al.. Semi-analytical evaluation for water-alternating-CO2 injectivity in tight oil reservoirs [J]
- 下一条:Wang, Wendong, Meng, Fankun *, Su, Yuliang, et al. A Simplified Capillary Bundle Model for CO2-Alternating-Water Injection Using an Equivalent Resistance Method [J]